Recently, I decided to share with the world my passion for understanding the human psyche through the archetypes of astrology.
Studying astrology and what vibes planet alignments create, from an archetypal perspective, helps me in real, day to day life.
First of all, it helps to be more patient with myself and with others, which results in less anger of not getting my way, less cortisol in my bloodstream and feeling better, physically and mentally.
Why patience?
It helps me be more cautious and accept that shitty events are going to explode in the world, and there is a probability for such an event happening — and that I may ‘lose’ or be affected by it (or benefit as a result of it). But I experience less whining about “why is life not fair?”, “why am I having it harder than my deskmate/colleague/the neighbor next door?”. Less victimizing, because I understand everybody who has aspects to a transit is affected. I will be affected by some and have nothing to do with some others. Plus, I understand that we as humans, have different lessons to learn in this lifetime, and this is why receive a different hand of cards.
Why caution?
Because when you know about an important transit of, say, Saturn through Capricorn (long term, heavy challenges in anything related to career/organizations/governments/corporations) forming a square (a challenging aspect) with the Full Moon in Taurus(money/property) (which is also an eclipse: sudden, unexpected news), then you know it isn’t an easy time for the economy/money (this actually happened, on Nov 8, ‘22). The FTX crypto exchange drama, with billion $ loss of liquidity within two days, followed by bankruptcy is a world economy event that shows what is the potentiality of such an important astrological event: eclipse in the money sign, with square to Saturn. I’m writing this after the event has happened, but professional astrologers have actually predicted this, months in advance.
How astrology helps you feel more at peace with life
It’s a broad and bold statement, but let’s take a few examples so you see my point of view.
Career (10th house). This sounds vague, but once you understand why your career life is more challenging than other people’s — (because you have Saturn (big life lessons) in natal 10th house of career and recognition — then, you understand that “it’s written in the stars”. You can’t shift the moment you were born, instead you can act on your day to day life to the best of your ability. And guess what? In my experience, when you show up in life with your best intentions and dedication, eagerness to learn and putting in the hard work — most often, you come out wiser, more experienced, and you benefit also from other people’s recognition for your merits. Sometimes, you also win something, like a promotion, compensation raise, but after a few Saturn in Capricorn challenges, you get it: it’s important not to miss the lesson and don’t avoid the challenge, because it will come back until you dive into it.
Let’s see: do we have any Saturn in Capricorn natives here? If you were born between Jan 5, 1959, to Jan 3, 1962 OR Feb 13, 1988, to Jun 10, 1988 OR Nov 12, 1988 to Feb 6, 1991, this applies to you.
Close partnerships (7th house). If you have, let’s say a Mars in Libra (7th house) square Uranus in Capricorn, you might have particularly rocky patterns in relationships. Because… it’s not them, it’s you. You are born in this lifetime the archetype of the war god in your close relationships area of life. It’s likely you’ll experience dynamics which can lead to conflicts, in the shadow potentiality or which can be lived assertively, if you consciously choose the positive expression of Mars in Libra. Mars goes through Libra every 2 years, so it’s not very common to have this aspect in your chart. On the other hand, Uranus transited Capricorn for about 7 years, and all the late Millenials have the archetype of the revolutionary (Uranus) transforming the “established structure”
Dates for Uranus in Capricorn: Feb 14, 1988, to May 26, 1988; OR Dec 2, 1988, to Apr 1, 1995 OR Jun 8, 1995, to Jan 12, 1996
The trend of not pursuing the corporate ladder career and instead aiming for the 4 hour workweek, the flexibility and the “my business, my rules” way of working is something that appeals very much to Uranus in Capricorn people.
Family — 4th house. Perhaps you wonder why your family life was so off the charts, in the family you were born into.
There are many, many, many factors that can affect the 4th house (home, house, family you were born into). An Mars in 4th house can bring conflicts, often. Also, natives with natal Saturn in Cancer, likely had to deal with one or more of the following: austerity, strict parenting, little or no affection, little emmotional support. Saturn was in Cancer: Aug 1, 1973, to Jan 7, OR 1974 Apr 18, 1974, to Sep 16, 1975, OR: Jan 14, 1976, to Jun 5, 1976 and Jun 3, 2003, to Jul 16, 2005.
It’s not exact and we humans are not given the same circumstances of life when we come into this world. The United Nations estimates that about 385,000 babies are born every day and recently, we already count for 8 billion people on the planet. How many of the 385,000 do you think will have the same life experience? Even for identical twins, evidence shows us they develop differently as individuals, once they become adults.
I’m mentioning this as an argument to say that astrology shows the mood, the vibe of life in a given moment or over a period of time, but the choice is always with us. What we experience in life depends on our choices when times are easy and our responses to challenges life brings to us. What astrology can do, as I’ve written above, is to inspire in you extra patience, resilience and caution — so we can act and react with more wisdom and compassion and overall, make our lives — individually and collectively — better, one day at a time.
What do you think? Did you shift your attitude towards life events at some point because you understood what was coming ahead?
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