As I’m writing this, April feels like a super charged month, with lots of energy. Vulcan, the asteroid named after the Roman god that turned iron into tools through raw force and mastery, is in Aries until April 20, and that’s an element of powering through whatever is on our plate right now.
Many things are happening at once, on several areas of life — and on top, if you’re in overdrive with your effort, you likely feel the strain on your health and wellbeing, because Saturn in Pisces is opposing your area of health & work, in Virgo, the 6th house. So if you’re not stopping to re-fuel and discharge the strain you accumulate, your health suffers.
However, as always, there’s sunshine, and not anything, but the.. Sun & Jupiter Conjunction Apr 11–12 2023, then a Solar Eclipse and New Moon on Apr 19/20, at 29 degrees in Aries.
While the Sun & Jupiter conjunction in Aries is wonderful news, and I’ll detail below in what areas of life it brings opportunities for each Sun Sign, for the eclipse, I have mixed feelings.
On the positive side, a new moon in Aries at 29 degrees, while Jupiter is in Aries, and Vulcano is also at 29 degrees in Aries, may be the textbook definition for ‘ the best time to work on starting a new project’. If that new moon is also an eclipse, the potency of the ‘start anew’ vibe is even greater! Wow! this is one of the best times this year to launch a project, have a first meeting with a client, giving an important presentation, initiate any new venture — or even, work on self-affirming matters, like changing your look.
Eclipses are also known for bringing unexpected news and events; sometimes favorable sometimes not. As a general vibe, this is rather positive, because Saturn forms favorable aspects with the Lunar Nodes (on the Taurus-Scorpio axis, the money signs) to an exact degree (!!) so any karma related to money that is balanced in this period is rather promising favorable experiences, than otherwise.
But at the same time, Pluto in Aquarius at 0 degrees forms a square to the Sun and the Moon in conjunction, so Pluto squares the eclipse with a 2 degrees orb; It’s good that it’s not an exact degree, still it will be felt. So anything brought by this eclipse, involves a challenge from someone with high informal influence. The challenge will pass, so be mindful, diplomatic and think twice before responding to an authority-figure.
Also, asteroid Hygeia, at 15 degrees in Aquarius, is squaring to exact degree Mercury in Taurus at 15 degrees. Hygeia shows you where you should use prevention to keep wellbeing, and this coming from Aquarius, challenging Mercury — the planet ruling business and communication in Taurus — the money sign, tells me you need to double-check anything that comes out of your mouth during this eclipse. Better fact check twice than communicate inaccurately, or not checking copyright or legal aspects — this is prevention for Mercury matters. Allow plenty of time and attention resources for prevention, before and during this eclipse.
Sun&Jupiter Conjunction Apr 11 — 12 2023 & Solar Eclipse Apr 20 by Sun Sign
On this note, the next week is market by a Jupiter & Sun conjunction or Apr 11–12, the ‘luckiest day of the year’, bringing opportunity and good fortune for everybody, for every Sun Sign in a unique area of the life:
Aries: this is in your 1st house of image, reputation, starting new projects, appearance: Apr 11–12 a good day for a makeover, meeting a new client or launching anything. The eclipse: double everything written above AND watch your communication. Prepare, prepare, prepare. (Preparation is rewarded by Jupiter, too)
Taurus: the Sun & Jupiter conjunction on Apr 11–12 falls in your 12th house of spirituality, therapy, religion, anything mystical or occult; a good time to set aside some me-time, with a meditation or start therapy, if you’ve been considering this for some time. The eclipse, will bring opportunities for something new (and potentially benefic), BUT: fact check, ask for referrals (do your preparation), before proceeding with a new therapist, or trying on a new mystic endeavor.
Gemini: for you, it’s the 11th house of groups, clubs, friends and society at large; schedule some networking event or join one, dear Gemini! Fantastic opportunities will come through people on Apr 11–12. The eclipse, energizes the same house, and watchout any challenge coming from foreign affairs, foreign people or an academic prominent actor — be prepared before you react to that.
Cancer: for Cancerians, the Sun&Jupiter conjunction falls in the 10th house of career, title and your place within an organised structure. Splendid time for anything regarding promotions or career track discussions! The eclipse brings opportunities to start anew in this area of life and the watchout is from someone — an authority figure — that you share money with (Pluto in Scorpio in your 8th house). Maybe a spouse? Maybe another business associate? A way to prepare here is to keep everyone informed to a certain degree, not deliver them the surprise element of the eclipse.
Leo: dear Leo, the Sun&Jupiter conjunction falls in your 9th house of foreign affairs, the academia and foreign travel. So anything along those areas of life might bring you significant opportunities, both on Apr 11–12 and on Apr 19/20. The challenge, however, comes from someone you’re in a close relationship with. May be your significant other or someone else, like a business associate or someone who works in close contact with you. Prepare by showing them how they can benefit from your next adventures on the horizon! (and have them in mind, when you start in whatever the eclipse or conjunction brings you! Pluto in your 7th house of partnership is not easy to brush aside).
Virgo: dear Virgo, this conjunction Apr 11–12 and later eclipse on Apr 19/20 comes in your 8th house of shared money. (I hear Ka’ Ching!) Shared money is everything from inheritance, mortgage, possibly stocks, insurance.. anything where you have money in partnership with others. While the opportunities to start something that will bring you shared money are noteworthy, watchout. A VIP will challenge that from your 6th house of work, service & health. Maybe your current boss, when he finds you start a business part time? (with Pluto, it’s most probably a male). Prevention here means you make sure you don’t break any work contracts, NDA, or interfere with the working hours.. (the square Hygeia-Mercury). Be vigilant.
Libra: Dear Libra, for you all these opportunities come in your 7th house of close partnerships. Wonderful time for getting married, getting engaged, starting dating or, if you’re already settled, great time for reconnecting and scheduling some couple time together (Apr 11–12 and Apr 19/20). However, a VIP from your 5th house can challenge that — a child, probably — so make sure they feel they get something good on these dates too.
Scorpio: Scorpio, the conjunction and eclipse, falls in your 6th house of work, health, service, routine. A good time to schedule health assignments, get a second or third opinion and focus on your health and wellbeing — or a new daily routine, that overall brings you more balance. The challenge from you comes from your 4th house of family, where a VIP won’t like very much the changes (Pluto is usually a male figure, so a husband/father/grandfather). Prevention is literal here: make sure you make decisions that allow for wellbeing long term, not just feel good in the moment.
Sagittarius: In your 5th house representing the bedroom, your children and family entertainment, opportunities for good fortune come on Apr 11–12 and Apr 19/20. Ideal time to plan for a child, adopt or to plan events that bring the family together. Somehow — everybody will join and feel connection and joy. However, for you the challenge with the eclipse comes from the 3rd house, so from a VIP in your business, or anything related to marketing, communication, clients, or social media. If you are taking time off, prevent challenges by thoroughly instructing people to replace you.
Capricorn: Auspicious events come into your 4th house of home & family! Maybe find a new home, buying a new piece of land, maybe re-decorating, maybe gardening to an unfamiliar landscape, maybe finally having all the family home together — all the possibilities! a great time to see properties, on Apr 11–12 and Apr 19/20, if you are looking for a new home. However, for you, the challenge comes from a VIP in your 2nd house of earned income. That is either a boss or a client. Prevention is required from a 2nd house perspective, too — so this means you need to honestly answer the question ‘How could I sustainably afford this?’
Aquarius: Best opportunities to start something new in your 3rd house of business, marketing, trade, social media, and the Internet. Apr 11–12 and Apr 19/20. However, make sure that whatever you are about to start is genuinely doing good for everybody. That’s the Pluto in Aquarius mission. Make sure your business venture is sustainable, protects the environment, the employees, people working for your business associates, and that it doesn’t have shady aspects to it, or it’ll grow against the success that this new start is promising. Prevention is checking all the partners on the value chain that you are about to work with.
Pisces: For you, dear Pisces, all the opportunities come in your 2nd house of earned money, valuables and material possessions. Sounds great! Not only on Apr 11–12 but also on Apr 19/20. Best time this year to renegotiate benefits, salaries or raising your fees (then there’s another on May 16–21). The VIP who is challenging you come from your is in your 12th house, so maybe a religious figure, maybe a mentor — maybe your own subconscious — be balanced, not greedy, so this doesn’t turn against you.
I hope we’ll all have an amazing April ahead. How is it going so far?
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