Category: TAURUS
Sun Leo: Jupiter in Taurus 2023–2024
The career opportunity you’ve been dreaming for Dear Leo, Jupiter is about to enter Taurus on May 16 2023 and it brings for you a once in 12 years opportunity to shine on the career stage — or on a literal stage, if you’re in entertainment/social media scene. Some context: Jupiter in Taurus for everybody on the…
Sun Taurus: Jupiter in Taurus May 2023 — March 2024
‘Me & my money’ Dear Taurus, Taurus season this year is special, one you see once in 12 years. Jupiter, in astrology considered the most auspicious planet in a sign, is about to make its ingress into Taurus, on May 16, 2023, to stay until March 2024. For you, dear Taurus, on a public level…
Sun Aries: Jupiter in Taurus May 16 2023 to March 2024
It’s all about the money For you, dear Aries, Jupiter is in your 2nd house of earned money, personal values and valuables — so for you, double down all that is relevant for the whole humanity. Also, if you have ANY factor in Taurus, this period will be one with significant conversations for you, regarding money stuff (Taurus…