Dear Sagittarius,
Jupiter in 2023 has its once in 12 years ingress into Taurus, bringing a wave of opportunities related to anything Taurus and natal 2nd house: money, earned money, valuables, personal values. This is potentially good news. Jupiter expands anything that is already expressed.
So, dear Sagittarius, what’s your vibe related to money, valuables and whatever is of value to you? Are you being a good steward of your valuables or are you wasting the output of your work (Taurus and 2nd house is earned money — so what you received for your work).
As always with Jupiter, I emphasize Jupiter isn’t simply the giver of luck. I love the saying that luck happens when preparation meets opportunities, so do your best to prepare and showcase your results so far, for your valuable contributions. This is the influence when we look at your personal life, using the Zero Aries house system.
Also, dear Virgo, on your Sun Sign chart — your public life, what others can notice about you — Taurus hosts your 6th house of health, work, service to others, work routine, commute and all things related. So expect an emphasis on whatever is your vibe around your work during this transit: May 16, 2023 — March 2024.
If you aim for a flexible schedule, more benefits or joining a union, which might secure more work rights for you — this is the best year in the past decade for achieving this (especially with Pluto going into Aquarius in March 2023, which according to Jessica Adams, an astrologer I appreciate very much — is a transit about power to the people. So double that influence for you, dear Sagittarius — imagine and hold in mind the best outcome for how your work routine might be for you, and these 10 months will bring you plenty of opportunities to achieve that.
Also, regarding health, any endeavor towards improving your health has the best odds of making a difference. If you’ve tried dieting or changing your lifestyle before and decided it doesn’t work — well, this year, do it again and know you can do it — the cosmic influence is so supportive! I say this because other Sun Signs are having a hard time this year, with Saturn in Pisces opposing the 6th house health for everybody plus a Sun sign 6th house, so… use this period for improving your earnings, health and your work-life balance!
It’s important to mention, until July 16, 2023, the Lunar Nodes are on the Taurus-Scorpio axis (and have been there since Jan 2022). You felt their influence already. They bring karma from 18 to 19 years ago for you to balance. This is important. Know that until July 16 — if you owe someone from 18 to 19 years ago — you’ll pay. If you’re being owed, you’ll receive.
If you are keen to know more, read also what Jupiter means in astrology, symbolism from myth to the end of patriarchy — nowadays.
Tell me how your 2023 goes! 🙂
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