Dear Aquarius,
As I’m writing this on Feb 28, 2022 — you should prepare to host a party, soon! Saturn will leave Aquarius in a few days and along with it, out goes a 2 and a half year period of challenge, restriction and self-doubt — which was Saturn in Aquarius, in your natal 1st house.
I began with this on a side note, because this is the news of the year for you, dear Aquarius! Although Saturn goes into Pisces, in your natal 2nd house of money earned on March 7 (natal chart: that is, your personal life) — thankfully, Jupiter will ingress your 2nd house of earned money in your Sun Sign chart — so your public life. This is one of the rare occasions where you are protected from Saturn’s strain, during Jupiter’s transit in Taurus: May 16 2023 until May 26, 2024.
Also, Taurus represents your 4th house of home & family matters, real estate property, your house, land and ultimately your country. With Jupiter during this transit, you could encounter opportunities for finding your dream home, buying a piece of land in your favorite location, or even a combination of 2nd house (earned money) & 4th house (home matters): so there is a possibility for events like receiving a pay increase/bonus, that you can use as a down payment for your home — many wonderful things can happen with Jupiter in Taurus — and I wrote more in this post about the power period May 16 to May 19.
But Jupiter won’t just put a stash of cash in your pocket. I love the quote by Latin philosopher Seneca: luck happens when preparation meets opportunity. So: are you preparing? Are you creating value (to be rewarded for the value you create, monetarily (2nd house)? Put the best in you: your creativity and due diligence by the end of this Jupiter in Taurus transit and make sure this way, opportunities will find you and you will recognise them!
Another important influence in Taurus in 2023, remains the transit of the North Node, which brings karma to be balanced from 18 to 19 years ago, until July 16, 2023. So remember, dear Aquarius: what are you balancing? What the the other side of what you were learning back then?
Enjoy your year, Aquarius!
I wrote in depth about the North Node transit in Taurus and karma involved, in this post and specifically for Aquarius, here.
If you are keen to know more, read also what Jupiter means in astrology, symbolism from myth to the end of patriarchy — nowadays.
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