After a 15 year transit of Pluto in Capricorn, 2008–2023 we are now approaching March 23, when Pluto will enter Aquarius.
Aquarius is associated with the service for humanity, for all people; progress, advancement, and intellectual emphasis. Capricorn is the elite, male as an archetype, who rules the establishment.
Pluto is the symbol of the Underworld ruler. The second most powerful god in the Roman Pantheon, after Jupiter. From all we know about the myth and what it symbolizes, there’s no record for any room for negotiation with Pluto — except for Ceres, his mother-in-law. Meeting Pluto — was a total transformation. The end — and also the beginning of something else. In myth, yes, it’s death, which takes your soul to the underworld. In our modern life and in astrology interpretations, it’s anything that represents total reset. A health transformation, a professional shift or a social status: on either spectrum from positive to negative.
As I’m writing this, it’s March 14. I read today a financial analyst’s thoughts on the banking headlines in the US. The text caught my eye because he is a former bank CEO (and not remotely close to having astrological interests), and he started like this “The banking system is paying back karma (from 2008)”. Wow! And how this links to how powerful the banks have been, since 2008. Always passing the bill forward to the people. Pluto has been in Capricorn since January 2008. Power. For. The Elite.
We’ll see many more developments in the coming days, but know this: Pluto in Aquarius will be about something else. About intention and action towards making decisions which are good for the people.
If you search on Google about Pluto in Aquarius, you’ll see lots of interpretations of doom and gloom. Some doom is possible. I mean, after 2020, 2021, 2022, we wouldn’t be very surprised about other black swan events: pandemic, lockdown, restriction, mandatory vaccination, war with threats of nuclear war… fill in the blanks.
I love how astrologer Jessica Adams wrote about Pluto in Aquarius in time cycles, in the past 2,000 years. Last time Pluto was in Aquarius (1777–1798), the American Revolution happened (1775–1783), and so did the French Revolution (1789). And yes, the whole intention was about liberating all people. While I haven’t studied enough the American Revolution, as for the French, isn’t it ironic that Napoleon Bonaparte, who rose on the wave of the Revolution and of the republic, shortly turned the status back to one-man-rules-it-all (he self proclaimed himself emperor). Yes, the Pluto transit brings something radical, with ripple effects, but some changes will revert. So we’ll shift an octave, but not change the complete song entirely.
Pluto in Aquarius for your personal life
If you have Aquarius factors, you’ll have extended periods when Pluto will conjunct your natal factors. Pluto takes 22 years through the next Aquarius phase, which means an average of nearly 9 months through each of the 30 degrees of the sign. A conjunction is relevant +/- 2 degrees to the exact angle, so that means about 3 years for each conjunction. A LOT of time!
If you have more than one Aquarius factor, that’s going to be a highly transformative period. If you’re Sun Aquarius, double that (because it’s highly probable you also have a stellium in Aquarius).
The transit of Pluto is about power, empowerment where there is a deficit and correction where there’s an excess or abuse of power. So, in your life, think whether you are currently feeling disempowered or feeling dominant in the following areas of your life:
a. in your natal chart, Aquarius is your 11th house of friends, groups, associations, unions and social influence (same as for the whole humanity). If you are, say, involved in an NGO, political party and sometimes or usually use your position for your personal interests, while dominating others, you will be challenged — proportional to your intentions and your impact. Are you currently accepting to be dominated? Use the best of your intentions and abilities to serve the common good and you’ll have the wind in your sails.
b. what house is Aquarius in your Sun Sign chart? Depending on your Sun Sign, these are:
- Sun Aries: 11th house of groups, friends, social circle
- Sun Taurus: 10th house of career, social status, ranking in the establishment, fame and reputation
- Sun Gemini: 9th house of long distance travel, foreign affairs and expansion of your horizons
- Sun Cancer: 8th house of shared money, sex, deep transformation (death and rebirth)
- Sun Leo: 7th house of marriage, the couple, close business relationships and enemies
- Sun Virgo: 6th house of health, work, work-life balance, daily routine and service
- Sun Libra: 5th house of the bedroom, the children & enjoyment;
- Sun Scorpio: 4th house of the home, family, property, own land/country
- Sun Sagittarius: 3rd house of communication, short distance travel, commute, trade, marketing (and Internet and social media too)
- Sun Capricorn: 2nd house of earned money, personal values, material goods and anything related
- Sun Aquarius: 1st house of image, physical appearance, pioneering efforts, new beginnings
- Sun Pisces: 12th house of the subconscious, relationship with the divine, religion, occult, secrets.
So, you can do the same exercise: depending on your Sun Sign, think where do you express an excess of power or are dominated by another? Any excess will be corrected in the next long Pluto transit.
Do your best to have the most sincere good intentions and doing your best to serve the people, especially if you have natal Saturn in Aquarius or in Leo. Pluto will conjunct your natal Saturn in Aquarius or oppose your natal Saturn in Leo. Do your best and and you’ll be supported.
Saturn was in Aquarius: Jan 3, 1962, to Mar 23, 1964 //Sep 16, 1964, to Dec 16, 1964 // Feb 6, 1991, to May 21, 1993 / Jun 30, 1993, to Jan 28, 1994 // Mar 21, 2020, to Jul 1, 2020 Dec 17, 2020, to Mar 7, 2023
Saturn was in Leo: Sep 16, 1975, to Jan 14, 1976 // Jun 5, 1976, to Nov 16, 1977 // Jan 4, 1978, to Jul 26, 1978 // Jul 16, 2005, to Sep 2, 2007
Cheers to an easy 22 years ahead!
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