watch your steps (literally! with Mars in Virgo, you’d better do it)

Welcome to opposition week!
Rarely have I seen so many consecutive days with oppositions back to back. Oppositions are exactly what they sound like: opposing forces. Sometimes, this means a push, a strain or a blast. But, relax! this is not a doom and gloom kind of post.
Aug 21–23 Neptune – Mars opposition
We have the Neptune 27 degrees in Pisces oppose Mars 26 degrees in Virgo. With Neptune (symbol of the Sea God) in its domicile (home base) in Pisces, it has a rather strong influence, in it’s subtle, flowy and misty kind of way; Pisces is the sign of the subconscious, mental states (mental health or otherwise), transcendence and everything influencing that. On the other side, we have fiery Mars, with all the drive and action, in Virgo, an earth sign, ruling work, health and our daily routine (which includes work, overwork and our health as a result of our physical wellbeing — or lack thereof). So, in plain English: any endeavors affecting your mental wellbeing — will directly oppose any physical action you undertake regarding work and physical routine. Examples: if you have some therapy session during this Neptune-Mars opposition (strong influence until Aug 23), don’t schedule a hike, a sports competition, a diving session, a racing on the cliff side. Focus on just one and keep temperance for a few days. Similarly if you’re participating on a meditation retreat or whatever along those line. Take some time to not enter into overdrive.
Aug 21: Moon — North Node opposition / Moon conjunct South Node
This is a day when your sensitivity may be hightened and your experiences are likely to show you how to live live in harmony with the world around you. This influence is brief, but there may be a few hours when you experience an Aha moment — there is a moment like this every month as the Moon circles the Zodiac. It’s ok if you might feel a little withdrawn.
Chiron — Ceres opposition
This is lasting for a few days (Aug 16–22), and it’s activating the Aries-Libra axis, where we also have the Lunar Nodes, singing a background story that we will be dancing to until January 2025; it’s the clash between the self in ‘me’ and ‘we’. Have patience with yourself and your partner (your romantic partner or close business partner). You are both being triggered. That said, do stand up for what is true to yourself now, as opposed to bending to what the relationship was in the past. Acknowledge that both partners have changed and the relationship changes as well. Ceres is about sharing the power and Chiron is a symbol for being a source of good, even when you are wounded. With good intentions (from both) and patience, great healing can result during this phase.
Aug 21–23 Jupiter square Venus
We have the upmost male archetype, the ruler God of all (and also a notorious cheater) — Jupiter — and the one of the most prominent female archetypes: Venus, representing beauty and seduction (herself also in love triangles). When these two square, well… let’s say it’s not the best day for a romantic date… or to ask someone out… or to stand out with trying to seduce anyone. It’ll pass quickly.

Aug 23: Uranus-Moon opposition
This also lasts for only 1 day, and it’s on the money axis, Taurus — Scorpio. So, whatever you need (Moon) in terms of shared valuables (shares, inheritance, mortgage)… is met with shock from Uranus in Taurus; don’t worry, it’s not the end of the world; this happens monthly for a few years now, and yes, it is that time of the month when you find maybe your child has maxed out your credit card on in-app purchases in some new game? in order to prepare, make sure there’s a limit on spending/loss on whatever money you share with others.
Aug 24: Saturn-Vulcano opposition

This only happens once a year, and it’s that day of the year when it’s a watchout for any literal over-work. Remember Volcano the symbol for turning iron ore into valuable tools? through sheer hard work and skill? well, Saturn opposing directly from Pisces, signals to me your mental wellbeing will be affected if too much force is put into this Volcano-type of activity. So don’t make this the day of a big business meeting, a pitch, for turning down that wall in the spare room — you won’t be in top mental shape. Instead, if you see on the chart, this is a day suitable for dreaming — and planning.
Aug 24 Neptune trine Mars
Yep, we only get a few of those days every year. This is the textbook day when to dream and to write an action plan! Mars is still in Virgo, an Earth sign, so put aside one hour and design your next ideal meal plan, exercise routine, the new daily routine with commute-shopping-gym-school drop-off/pick-up.
All right, I hope this will be useful for you, ‘Opposition days Aug 21–24’.
Let me know in a comment — would you prefer I split these into short, daily posts, that you can read in a minute?
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