with details for all Sun Signs

So, for how challenging this year has been, I’ve been looking forward for some more auspicious times.
One of the most promising aspects for the remaining of the year is the Sun-Jupiter trine, which will happen not just once but twice until the end of 2023.
The first Sun-Jupiter trine happens on September 7 2023 and the second one, on December 27 2023. We already had the first one on April 11, the Sun-Jupiter conjunction, which happens only once a year, and the trine aspect is the next best thing.
Sun-Jupiter trine on September 7 2023
The Sun is at 15 degrees in Virgo (with Mercury at 12 degrees close by; yes, still retrograde!); Jupiter is at 15 degrees in Taurus (and continues until May 2024, bringing opportunities and expansion in your earned income house).
The Sun is transiting Virgo, the mutable, earth sign, in our 6th house of work, service, physical health and work routine. Jupiter is in the second house of property, physical goods and valuables (also personal values), receiving a positive beam from the transiting Sun in Virgo. Given that Virgo is a mutable sign (that is: flexible and changing to adapt to others), gives me the impression that the energy from the Sun (literal and symbolic, as the Sun emits light and energy in our Solar System) will enhance whatever Jupiter at 15 degrees in Taurus expands.
We have here a harmonious aspect between our work and our values/valuables; between our need for healthy routine, a balance between service to others — our work — (this is Virgo in 6th house, the area of life where the Sun shines its light on), and whatever is valuable to us (rather in a physical way, because Taurus is also an Earth Sign); the 2nd house is also the house of the earned income, so this is the best news of the year: the giver of gift and luck in the area of the chart where you earn your income, being favored by the Sun in the area of your work/daily routine which conditions also your physical health.
So, September 7 might be a date when to consider raising your fees, or receiving extra benefits at work or even a pay increase. You can prepare for this day, and be thoughtful and strategic in your approach. I always say this: Jupiter in a harmonious aspect will not just stash cash in your pocket. Rather, if you have a business, strategize by preparing and offering an extra service to your customers, or an upgrade, and THEN ask for a pay increase — and the odds are your customers will happily pay! If you are employed, strategize by doing your own assessment of how much value you brought through your contribution, ask for feedbacks from customers and peers and with (hopefully, a compelling case), ask for extra benefits, a pay increase, funding for pursuing that extra certification and so on.
Another aspects for the day of September 7 are the Moon aspects to Neptune and Pluto, which although will last only for a day, they might add to your extra tension. The Moon in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces is a blunt indication that what you’ll have some difficulty (square) expressing (Gemini) your needs (the Moon), which stem from your deepest dreams and desires (Neptune in domicile Pisces, your 12th house). So yeah, prepare for this by rehearsing what you want to say, until it is clear and adapted to your audience. Also, the Moon quincunx Pluto in Aquarius (don’t worry, sounds complicated but not a strong influence), indicates you might become a little obsessive this day about whatever it is you want to communicate. Don’t lose your objectivity!
Overall on September 7, this Sun-Jupiter trine is stronger in influence than the Moon aspects.
For the next best day of 2023, December 27, I’ll come with a different post to go in detail for every Sun Sign — but you already know about it, so make plans! Jupiter will still be in the money sign Taurus and the Sun will be in Capricorn in 10th house, the house of career, recognition, your title so… if you were aiming for a promotion, there’s a positive influence for that: don’t take vacation days on Dec 27–28; if you can, be at work and shine your light (Sun) on your career (Capricorn).
Now, in which area of public life does every Sun Sign benefits from this Sun-Jupiter trine on Sep 7, see below.
If you know your birth chart and you have any planet at 15 degrees, this day is extra powerful for you (google free birth chart and there are plenty of websites where you can generate one for free).
Leave a comment with the planet and sign where you have anything at 15 degrees and I’ll do my best to answer how that specifically impacts your luckiest day of the year.
Aries, because you are the 1st sign in the natural house system I’m using, everything I’ve written above applies to you 100%, both in your personal life (your motivations) and your public life (what others perceive about you). It’s a positive influence over getting a monetary benefit in a work setting.
For you, Jupiter is in your Sun Sign 1st house, so anything related to image, reputation and how you present to the world. This receives a positive beam from the Sun in your 5th house, which is where you flirt (and yes, make babies), but also where you entertain and have fun. A great day if you’re interested in dating, put on your favorite attire and go out or even better, organize something where you invite friends (and friends of friends). If you want to conceive, it’s an auspicious day, prepare! if not, prepare for that also!
for you it’s a positive aspect between Jupiter in your 12th house of the subconscious and the 4th house of family and home (and your mother, particularly). September 7 might be a great day for psychotherapy or any practice where you aim to clean or improve the influence of your family over your unconscious mind. As little as setting aside an hour to pray asking or giving forgiveness, might help you feel better over a pressing issue regarding family matters.
for Cancerians, it’s a good day to organize your friends, your group for a small trip — it’ll be wonderful! You might have a great experience and definetly get some great discounts! Another interpretation, especially if you are active and rely a lot on social media for your work or business, is that it’s a great day for business, anything commercial (Taurus: money in your 11th house of people, your tribe i.e. your followers and 3rd house: commerce in Virgo: work). So a good day to launch/announce/test something to a large audience.
Jupiter activates your public 10th house of career, reputation and recognition with your 2nd house of earned income (which is also in Virgo, ruling work!). So you either get an amazing opportunity to be promoted, or a new assignment with will help your reputation tremendously (and of course which will help you at work! AND it will impact you positively in a monetary way. If I was a Leo, I’d make sure my schedule is flexible, so I can fit in great opportunities.
Dear Virgo, this day will sweeten the Mercury retrograde you’re hosting this year — we all get to that from time to time! With the Sun in your 1st public house, it’s your time of the year to shine, while Jupiter activates your public 9th house of long distance travel, higher education and learning; Have your large troller handy, ’cause you’ll likely travel abroad (9th house brings opportunities from foreign places); perhaps if your activity is mostly online, you’ll have something appear which expands your reach globally, but the intensity of 2 Earth signs activated by Jupiter and the Sun tells me it’s probably a physical trip.
Dear Libra, the Sun is in your public 12th house of the subconscious, bringing light in those dark places of our closet where we don’t usually look that often AND it’s linked with Jupiter in your 8th house of shared money (mortgage or inheritance)/transformation (and Jupiter is in Taurus, the money sign). It’s possible that around this date you’ll have some highlight on an inheritance matter or any situation where you share valuables with others; this applies if you own stock too; it’s positive: what you’ll find will help with your peace of mind (12th house)
Dear Scorpio, your public 7th house of close partnerships (Taurus, the money sign where Jupiter is) receives a positive beam from the Sun, in your 11th house of friends, clubs and groups (including your social media followers here); The 7th house is 1:1 relationships; If you own a business with another co-owner, it’s a good day for your partnership; same for your marriage or for the couple you’re part of. If the relationship strained and the significant other feels like an enemy now, it’s a good day to talk and make progress towards a more harmonious relationship.
For you it’s your 10th public house of career illuminated by the Sun and your 6th house of work where Jupiter brings opportunity. So, if you’re reading this, prepare your speech, your client presentation, your executive summary, your elevator pitch — whatever! don’t miss this day to schedule something that puts you in the spotlight in your work. It will help your career more than any other day this year, this Sagittarius.
Your 9th house of long distance travel, higher education and foreign affairs -with the Sun in Virgo — is linked with your 5th house — with Jupiter in Taurus — where you generally care for the upcoming generation (your relationship with children, whether you conceive them — and you know how to make babies, right? teach them or act as a godparent). A good day to pay attention to anything coming from abroad, the spotlight is on your foreign affairs — and this might help with anything related to children in your life: a teaching opportunity, a scholarship and yes, even the opportunity of a partner to have a child with. The 9th house is the textbook definition for “broadening your perspective”, so keep an open mind.
Aquarius, you have the Sun in your 8th house of shared money (inheritance, stock, the mortgage — in Virgo) and 4th house of your family and your home (where Jupiter is in Taurus, the money sign). So whatever comes up around this day, will bring an opportunity regarding the monetary value of your home property (the home, the land or some property owned by the family). The triggers comes from an 8th house matter (shared money, shared markets), so a I sense it’s a market trend. Keep an open eye for opportunities around this date: September 7.
For you, dear Pisces, it’s a dynamic between the 7th house of close 1:1 partnerships, where you have the Sun in Virgo and the 3rd house: communication, siblings, short distance travel (and your communication on social media, too!, where we have Jupiter in Taurus) All auspicious! Jupiter is in the money sign, so I sense this has a positive impact on something valuable for you; it’s a great day to meet a potential business partner, one to work 1:1 with; within the couple: it’s a wonderful day to talk about money matters, some great ideas will spark. A great day to set time aside to talk (and prepare for meaningful conversations, not just mere chatting) — Jupiter will reward your effort with opportunities and expansion around money matters.
Hope this interpretation helps you make the most of one very auspicious day in the remaining of this year.
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