Tag: Volcano

  • Aug 21–24 (Lots of!) Opposition all over the way

    watch your steps (literally! with Mars in Virgo, you’d better do it) Welcome to opposition week!  Rarely have I seen so many consecutive days with oppositions back to back. Oppositions are exactly what they sound like: opposing forces. Sometimes, this means a push, a strain or a blast. But, relax! this is not a doom…

  • 14–17 August, Uranus Trine Mars: need for speed

    you won’t remember Mercury Retrograde I promised good news in my last post and here it is: we have a few days of energy in August with Uranus trine Mars before another challenge this month (but more on that later). Between 14–17 of August, Uranus in Taurus at 23 degrees, forms a harmonious aspect with…

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