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North Node in Aries, South Node in Libra for Sun Leo 2023-2024
Dear Leo, Since January 2022, when the Nodes ingresses into the Taurus-Scorpio axis, the whole humanity recycles karma from 18 to 19 years ago on money. As I’m writing this on Jan 16, 2023, the Nodes are at 10 degrees Taurus/10 degrees Scorpio and they trigger karma related to: Taurus: earnings/investments: self made, like art…
North Node in Aries South Node in Libra for Sun Cancer
Dear Cancer, It’s January 11 as I’m writing this and the Nodes are transiting the Taurus-Scorpio axis, at 11 degrees. Until July 16 2023, this transit continues to shuffle in our attention matters of money, shared valuables and has us considering our own value system. Why are the Nodes important? Well, they represent karma we…
North Node in Aries, South Node in Libra 2023–2024 for Sun Gemini
Dear Gemini, As we start the year 2023 and as I’m writing this, the lunar Nodes are on the Taurus-Scorpio axis and have been so since January 2022. What the Nodes are and why they’re so important? Well, they represent karma we come with in this lifetime, and in their transit, they bring up energy…
North Node in Aries, South Node in Libra 2023 — 2024 for Sun Taurus
Dear Taurus, As I’m writing this at the start of 2023, the Nodes are transiting the Taurus-Scorpio axis, at 11 degrees. Until July 16 2023, this transit continues to create ‘content’ for the world and for you around money matters. The North Node in Taurus stirs situations and brings to surface matters around your earned…
North Node in Aries, South Node in Libra 2023 and what that means for Sun Aries
From a Sun Aries to all Sun Aries who read this: Dear one, previous years have been challenging and disruptive, but hold on, ’cause 2023 -2024 need you with your patience reservoir filled up! Also, sprinkle in there wisdom, compassion and assertiveness. Until July 16 2023, the Nodes are on the Taurus-Scorpio axis, which both…
What is astrology good for, anyway?
What astrology can do, as I’ve written above, is to inspire in you extra patience, resilience and caution