Dear Leo,
Since January 2022, when the Nodes ingresses into the Taurus-Scorpio axis, the whole humanity recycles karma from 18 to 19 years ago on money. As I’m writing this on Jan 16, 2023, the Nodes are at 10 degrees Taurus/10 degrees Scorpio and they trigger karma related to: Taurus: earnings/investments: self made, like art & valuables, also personal values and Scorpio: investments on the stock market, which is pooling the money with others; mortgage/inheritance.
Until July 16 2023, the Nodes are on the Taurus-Scorpio axis, which for you dear Leo, from a natal chart perspective, is 4th house (Scorpio) and 10th house (Taurus). Likely, you’re already experienced in the past year, a tension between your home life (4th house) and your career (10th house), between your family life, house care demands, and what is necessary in order to preserve your reputation, status and ranking in the hierarchy.
Remember, the nodes are bringing back energy for a karmic rebalancing from 18 to 19 years ago (also from 36 to 37 years ago and so on). So what were you doing then? What aspect of the family-status natural opposition were you experiencing then?
You are now reaping what you sowed (in fact, always are). So if 18–19 years ago, you were, say, in your teenage years and your family (4th house) was pressuring you to ‘behave’ and ‘fit the norm’, how did you respond then? If you were submissive, life will nudge you now to experience owning your own vision (in a balanced, harmonious, caring and assertive way, ideally).
If back then 18 to 19 years ago, you were having quarrels with your family because they were disapproving of your status as leader of your gang (10th house), or as a leader of the sports team (in the detriment of your math class results), now it’s time to balance that. Life will bring you experiences so you can have other side’s perspective. It’s not about revenge from life, it’s about making you wiser. Perhaps you’ve been overdoing the 10th house expression (like devoting the best part of your time and resources to grow your status, yay! Finally able to do that, only to have a heart tore apart when your current family is disapproving and asking for more time and connection with you. If last time, it was your parents’ disapproval (4th house: parents as family members), now maybe it’s your children.
The Lunar Nodes Starting July 2023 shift into Aries-Libra
Well, the drum of that song slowly dims towards July 17th, when the Nodes shift into Aries-Libra, and the we have the ‘me’ vs ‘we’ tune in the background, playing the karmic tune for your dance with life for the next 18 months, until January 2025.
We’ll have North Node in Aries, your natal 9th house and South Node in Libra, your natal 3rd house. From a Sun Sign perspective, I use the Zero Aries House system. Thus, the whole of humanity will experience the ‘me’ vs ‘we’ dynamic, and you will feel it too.
What EVERYBODY will experience, is the classical strain between self-assertion and your partner demanding more of you in the relationship. A greater need to reinvent yourself, cater to yourself, exercise, work on discovering what you’ve become, and the ‘I feel you’re not being affectionate with me’/ ‘I’m doing most of the work in our marriage’ / ‘I feel you’re not investing as much as I am in our co-funded business’.
In your natal 3rd house (Libra), you’ll have the South Node which represents karmic lessons you’ve already learned, situations that you have an inner knowing about, what you’ve overdone in previous lives and is your ‘default setting’, which you need to outgrow in this lifetime. Natal South Node in 3rd house/Libra is when you express (3rd house) through your close partnerships (Libra); when what you want to show the world is through how you show up as a spouse or a lover.
Possibly you’ve seen people like that are over-expressing the 3rd house in Libra, especially women, the ‘wife’ archetype, who speaks only in ‘we’ terms: “We cook on Saturdays”, “we like English Home deco”, “we always choose organic salads”, which is annoying, because you can clearly see how the person seems unable to detach and talk about the self, without using the plural when her partner clearly is not displaying the ‘we’ statements. You don’t have to be that wife, but just think, how do you use for displaying your life the close partnership you’re in?
As I’ve mentioned, this being the South Node, in this lifetime you need to outgrow this pattern and grow into embodying the expression of your North Node, which transits through Aries, in your 9th house these 18 months. Aries is the sign of self image, self expression, self affirmation; the 9th house is connected with long distance travel, higher education and broadening your horizons (through travel in the mind or by sea).
So, educate yourself or travel to broaden the expression of self. Maybe you’ll pursue a new certification? take a course? Take a long trip as part of your hero journey? Only you know, dear Leo, but get ready for it: make some room in your schedule and save some money 🙂
Interested on what the Nodes bring about other Sun Signs? Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius , Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.
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