Dear Scorpio,
You’ve just had a FULL year, I know. Not just that you feel deeper than most about everything you experience, but you’ve likely been triggered by global and personal events regarding money, your inner self, and your relationships.
The good news: these stories dim in intensity around July 17 2023, when the Lunar Nodes, currently on the Taurus-Scorpio axis, shift into Aries-Libra and they stop activating everything you have in your Sun Sign.
I’ve written more in depth about what the Nodes are and their symbolism in astrology here, and here’s the compressed version.
The Lunar Nodes cycle the Zodiac every 18.6 years and they bring karma to be balanced from 18 to 19 years ago (36 to 37 years ago and so on). The Nodes in Taurus — Scorpio, on a general level, for the whole of humanity, has been about the money. North Node in Taurus: money earned & personal values (and personal valuables) and South Node in Scorpio: money shares either through the family (mortgage, inheritance, family business) or sharing in the expression of stock investment and everything similar.
The Nodes in Taurus-Scorpio until July 16 2023
For you, dear Scorpio, the time since the Nodes have entered the Taurus-Scorpio, January 2022 and continuing until Jul 16, 2023 will have 2 themes: money and the ‘me vs we’ dynamic.
First, the money stories, that you can’t escape from, because unless you live in a cave in the mountains, you can’t really escape inflation: increased energy prices, effects over what you buy on a day-to-day basis caused by swings in the stock markets and so on. That’s what the humanity experiences and you’re part of it.
On a personal level, if we look how this transit aspects (affects) your natal chart, in the Zero Aries house system, we look at your 1st house of identity, self-image, appearance and reputation (Scorpio) and your 7th house of close one-on-one relationships (Taurus).
Indeed, if I think about the Scorpios I met in my life, I haven’t met ONE that isn’t mindful of their appearance and self-image, and this is exactly what the Scorpio element brings into every house: intense feeling, deep caring and a drive to go to the deepest source of an issue.
The South Node transiting through Scorpio for 18 months brings back karma from 18 to 19 years ago (36 to 37 years ago and so on), so remember: what were you living back then? 2004–2005? 1986–1987? what were you experiencing regarding your image and your self-identity? your reputation? Many readers might have been at the height of their youth in 2004–2005 and now, they’re transiting into the second phase of their life.
This naturally brings to attention the change in self-perception, from how you might have felt in your 20s: a young fresh ‘I-can-move-the-moutains’ but also ‘I am cool because others approve of me’ to a more balanced, mature self-image of ‘I am valuable no matter if others approve of me’, ‘I don’t need to prove myself anymore’; Also, insecurities about image can be triggered during this cycle, and you might find yourself being interested in rejuvenation treatments, novel approaches to diet, fitness, a fresh interest in style and wardrobe.
Your North Node in Taurus, in your relationships’ house, opposing your house of self-image at 180 degrees, has related karma from the same period, but on close relationships. This feels new and likely more triggering, because the North Node brings new lessons to be learned. All things new add discomfort and the quest for ‘stabilizing’ the feeling. In your relationships house, this brings the likely effects of what happens in the couple, once you have an increased focus on your Self (1st house).
A positive expression of this cycle is that you are being supported and your relationship has a pleasant boost because of your partner loving the change you’re experiencing. On the other side of the spectrum, not all one-on-one relationships are in the honeymoon phase and you might experience being dragged down by your partner; disapproved of outright or some sugar-coated passive aggressiveness on their side. Here, a genuinely open and compassionate approach might help to navigate this Nodes cycle (key word: compassionate! your partner is also triggered by the Nodes, according to where they hit in their chart).
Or, for a single person, you might experience plenty of opportunities to meet new romantic interests — karmic, though! This isn’t your breezy Venus in 5th house 3 week transit, it’s an 18 months Nodes cycle. Again, think about what you were ‘planting’ 18 to 19 years ago (36 to 27 years ago). You are reaping what you sow.
Still, the last 2 months on this cycle, from May 16 2023 until July 16 2023, Jupiter will be very close by from the North Node, so you’ll be protected from major disappointments and even have opportunities in everything couple/close relationships-related. A conjunction North Node/Jupiter in Taurus on May 31st is a fortunate (karmic!) event in your 7th house of relationships, so clear your schedule, plus/mins 3 days. If you are in a relationship, plan a small get-away or at least a nice dinner with your significant other! You’ll remember it! If you are single, get out of the house, meet people! You’ll meet someone important for your soul growth.
The Nodes in Aries Libra July 17th 2023 until January 2025
During the next 18 month cycle, you’ll be triggered in your natal 6th house of health, work and service (Aries), where the North Node moves and your 12th house of the relationship with the Divine, the subconscious and all stuff occult & secret (that you have a natural affinity for, dear Scorpio); the South Node goes into Libra.
So: North Node: karma from 18 to 19 years ago, new experiences — new lessons. Aries: the sign of the pioneer/ new beginnings / the ice-breaker. Your natal 6th house of health/ work/service to others. This tells me you’ll start a radical alternative approach to work and daily routine, motivated by your health, or the opposite: a new routine health-centered so you can continue to work.
Knowing that the karma is coming in your health house, don’t wait until the Nodes sweep away Aries-Libra and your 6th house of health/12th house of mental health (the subconscious)! Have a health check-up, inspect and clean your fridge from top 10 items not good for health, add an EXTRA body-care activity, daily (rest, if you work physically hard; movement, if you sit at a desk all day).
I stress the health issue, because on a global level, we’ll experience starting March 2023, the ingress of Saturn in Pisces, opposing Virgo (the health sign) of everyone (we’re talking health on a global level, so public health). You are one whose chart is triggered both from global events and personal karma, so be pro-actively caring.
If you want to read more about Saturn in Pisces, I wrote more here.
Interested on what the Nodes bring about other Sun Signs? Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius , Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.
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