Dear Sagittarius,
How are you? Are you all right?
Since Jan 2022, the nodes are in the Taurus-Scorpio axis, which for you, from a natal chart perspective (Zero Aries house system) is the 6th house of work, health & service (Taurus) and the 12th house of the subconscious, religions, the hidden & occult.
The Nodes bring about karma from 18 to 19 years ago (and cycles of 18.6 years: 36 to 37 years ago, and so on). What were you doing in 2004–2005? Or even 1986–1987? What seeds were you planting, because what you’re ‘reaping’ now, is what you sowed back then.
If your health has been challenged, it’s no wonder. If your work routine is making you uncomfortable, you’re not crazy! It’s the karmic energy being brought about by the Nodes.
With the North Node in your work and health since January 2022, to transit until July 16 2023, it’s predictable being prone to overwhelm by work, anxiety associated with stress or even burnout, if you don’t cater to yourself from the first warnings given by your body. Or your inner confidence can be challenged, as you put your faith in your Higher Self or the Divine (12th House) to help you hammer through everything, only to find you aren’t being saved/pulled up from overwhelm, but you have to take the earthly boat* to paddle one movement at a time out of any distress.
The Nodes in Aries-Libra 2023–2034
Dear Sagittarius, the pressing themes around work, overwork, health strains, mental health, your inner confidence and belief in the Higher Power dims after July 17, 2023, when the Lunar Nodes move into Aries-Libra.
On a global scale, the humanity will feel this as the strain between ‘me’ and ‘we’. It’s going to be a relationship-themed 18-month period. You’ll hear of a record number of divorces, separations, but also some spectacular matches in your circle of friends and acquaintances.
While you will feel this ‘me’ vs ‘we’ dynamic too, on a personal level dear Sagittarius, the houses activated by this Lunar Nodes transit is your 5th-11th house axis.
The 5th house is your house of children & merriment and the 11th house is the group, club, your friends’ circle and any form of association you’re part of (not a one to one dynamic, so not the family, not the couple).
However, with the North Node in Aries in your 5th house of your heirs — as astrologer Jessica Adams puts it, where you are the king to a younger court — pay attention to your relationship with your children, godchildren and if you don’t have any, possibly your students if you are a teacher. You’ll likely be triggered during this next cycle, and situations will feel new to you. Discomfort is probable, as it the case with anything new in life. That’s what the North Node brings: new situations for new lessons your soul wants to learn in this lifetime.
In your 11th house, in Libra, there’s the South Node. You can’t interpret the South Node transit in isolation from the North Node. They always move together in opposition 180 degrees, in two areas of life that show your inner life and your outer life. In your 11th house of friends, associations, groups & clubs, there will also be triggers, but you have an inner knowing about them. You’ve seen all this before and you know where this is going. It might bore you, it might have you feeling relaxed, it might irritate you on ‘why is all this happening again? I thought I had mastered this soul lesson’. Well, with the South Node, you DID master it, yet this is an element of fate that’s being brought up. The karma from 18 to 19 years ago (36 to 37 years ago and so on) is serving you back energy potentials from what you seeded back then, especially to be in opposition with the North Node in your 5th house.
So watch out for what happens between July 17 2023 and January 2025. Any dynamic between your kids and your peers. The dispute between your presence required for the family enjoyment activities and your club’s requirements for you; how do you choose to balance your child’s soccer routine and your runners’ club Strava challenges? the playdates and your networking events? Whatever comes up as a form, know that the real reason they appear is for you to learn the lesson behind.
So, when you cool down, don’t ask yourself ‘why is this s*** happening to me?’ but ‘what is life trying to teach me?’ or ‘what does my soul want to learn?’ For hints, remember the karma from 18 to 19 years ago? Probably you need to understand the other side of anything you were experiencing back then. If you were a child (then), what are you now and what are you learning facilitated by children in your life?
Have patience and remember, everybody is triggered by the Nodes in some areas of their life and some people may be due for harsher lessons while others are having a breeze (they already learned the biggest part of their share for this lifetime regarding Aries-Libra energy), so.. be empathetic. You’re not crazy, they’re not crazy, it’s this karmic 18 month transit.
I’ve written more in depth about the Lunar Nodes in Aries Libra and what it brings for humanity here.
Interested on what the Nodes bring about other Sun Signs? Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius , Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.
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