Dear Gemini,
As we start the year 2023 and as I’m writing this, the lunar Nodes are on the Taurus-Scorpio axis and have been so since January 2022.
What the Nodes are and why they’re so important? Well, they represent karma we come with in this lifetime, and in their transit, they bring up energy patterns from 18 to 19 years ago to recycle.
The South Node represents the ‘lessons already learned’ from karma; experiences that feel familiar to you, problems for which you ‘sense’/’know’/’see’ the solution or positive happenings that you have an inner foresight for how they progress. The North Node represents the lessons you are here to learn, shaping your mission in this lifetime. These feel new, potentially scary and… it’s for good reason, because you are here to learn precisely what the North Node/house/sigh are bringing up.
For you, from a natal chart perspective, the Taurus-Scorpio axis represents the 6th house (Scorpio) and the 12th house (Taurus).
The 6th house represents the area of life regarding work, work as a service, work-life balance and health, and routine. Well, I will not sugarcoat it, having the natal 6th house in Scorpio can make you really deep (read ‘obsessed’) about work, health, routines and order matters. That’s what Scorpio does, and we all have one area of life or another in Scorpio, so there’s nothing wrong with you.
So The South Node (the lessons learned) in Scorpio: everything about shared money, property, stock, inheritance, also sex (therefore we have here money shared in a marriage, like mortgage, income that you get through the other person and you are entitled to some of it) and also death matters (when the elders pass on, the inheritance is a form of shared property that you benefit from).
Adding all that up: 6th house, Scorpio, South Node, the interpretation would be: the ongoing theme for 18 months starting Jan ’22 is around shared money, around which revolves your routine and work and for where you have an innate knowing about life situations; experiences in this area of life feel like nothing can surprise you anymore. In fact, sometimes you may secretly wonder how others don’t understand what’s in their best interest when you see others making poor judgements with shared money and work (like when they own a business with other associates and their associates take advantage of them).
The North Node is in Taurus and your 12th house until July 16, 2023. For over a year now, the theme revolves around this specific mix. It decomposes the following way.
Taurus is about earned money, valuables, art, and also your own psychological values. The 12th house is the connection with divine beliefs, the subconscious, the transcendental. We add the North Node symbolism (lessons you are here to learn in this lifetime, situations that feel new and uncomfortable, because at first it brings potentials that feel you don’t know how to deal with).
So dear Gemini, North Node in the 12th House in Taurus from a natal chart perspective may challenge you on how you feel about the ethics of you earn money, and how that aligns with your beliefs (12th house).
Well, the karmic themes brought about by the Nodes change on Jul 17, 2023, when the Nodes move in the Aries — Libra axis, the ‘me vs we’ dynamic. Aries is the sign of the self while Libra is the sign of relationships (close business partnership and marriage).
Karmic transits, such as those brought about by the Nodes, for 18 months will bring about a mating/un-mating season, especially for Sun Aries but also for anyone with a stellium (4 or more factors) in Libra or Aries.
The Nodes shift into Aries-Libra on July 17th 2023 until Jan 2025
How the money-themed karma changes for you starting July 2023, dear Gemini? well, for your, South Node goes into Libra, which is 5th house, and North Node goes into Aries, which is 11th house. Let’s see how those add up.
We have the 5th house: children (both your children, adopted and children in your life, like your students if you are a teacher or your godchildren), celebrations and entertainment that is enjoyable in the family and keep people together, like hobbies, sports and games. Then, there is Libra, which is about close 1 on 1 partnerships, the couple, the marriage but also enemies. The South Node is about karmic lessons you’ve already learned, situations that you have an inner knowing about.
How do all these add up? Well, clearly the next 18 months starting July bring about situations around close partnerships, within the family, with children or people which are a generation younger than you and with whom you have a close tie; together you’ll encounter situations which aim to balance karma from 18 to 19 years ago. It’s possible that it involves those activities that keep the family together, like Christmas holiday gatherings or birthday gatherings that bring generations together. Watchout for any triggers that might spark arguments. During Nodes transit in Libra, relationships can really be damaged with words that aren’t carefully chosen. Being your South Node transit, though, you know how to handle this dear Gemini , if you want.
You’ll likely experience situations you don’t know how to handle, yet, because the North Node will ingress into Aries, which is your 10th house of career in your natal chart.
Let’s take them one by one. The North Node: karma balanced from 18 to 19 years ago, on areas where you need to learn a lesson in this lifetime, so it will probably feel challenging (because no, we learn little when life is all comfy and cozy). Aries is the fiery sign of the self, self-image, self identity, new beginnings, fresh initiatives. The 11th house is the area of life represented by your ‘tribe’: friends, clubs, organizations you’re a member of, like an NGO, your sports team, your music band. How do all these mix?
Well, the Aries-Libra will make you feel an inner longing to start something new (Aries) with your group (11th house) and it will feel like uncharted territory (North Node), and its calling will be irresistible, because that’s what the North Node brings: the inner yearning of the soul for learning what it has come in this lifetime to learn. Given that Pluto goes into Aquarius in March 2023, it’s not uncommon that you’ll feel an urge to start a work union or to join a political movement in order to defend citizen rights, women’s rights or the interests of the people. Pluto in Aquarius and especially the North Node in your 11th house will awaken in you the Activist, dear Gemini. You’ll likely feel a drive that you haven’t had before, to be of service to the people.
There’s a natural opposition between the North Node and the South Node, as they are always in opposite signs, 180 degrees apart. And that explains in part why all the time there’s something in our lives that feels like an opposition: specifically here: children/family vs inner drive to start something new with your friends/associates; the needs of ‘me’ vs. the needs of ‘we’.
There isn’t a recommendation that is suitable for everybody, because we are all unique and our soul lessons in this lifetime are known only by each one of us. Still, anything that comes along, can be approached with preparation, research and patience. Remember that karma is reaping what you sow. What you’ll experience now, results from how you approached life 18–19 years ago.
What will you create for the future now?
Interested on what the Nodes bring about other Sun Signs? Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius , Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.
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