Dear Cancer,
It’s January 11 as I’m writing this and the Nodes are transiting the Taurus-Scorpio axis, at 11 degrees. Until July 16 2023, this transit continues to shuffle in our attention matters of money, shared valuables and has us considering our own value system.
Why are the Nodes important? Well, they represent karma we come with in this lifetime, and in their transit across the 12 signs of the Zodiac, they bring up energy patterns from 18 to 19 years ago to recycle in 18 month chunks.
Currently, we’re enjoying the money area of the pie, and starting July 17th 2023 until January 2025, it’s going to be the ‘me’ vs ‘we’ dynamic.
The South Node represents the ‘lessons already learned’ from karma; experiences that feel familiar to you, problems for which you ‘sense’/’know’/’see’ the solution or positive happenings that you have an inner foresight for how they progress.
The North Node represents the lessons you are here to learn, shaping your mission in this lifetime. These feel new, potentially scary and… it’s for good reason, because you are here to learn precisely what the North Node/house/sigh are bringing up.
For you, from a natal chart perspective, the Taurus-Scorpio axis represents the 5th house (Scorpio) and the 10th house (Taurus).
Let’s take them one by one.
The South Node
We have the 4th House: your family with all that comes along: your home, your house, your land, your real estate possession and ultimately, your country; then we have Libra, which is the sign of close one-on-one partnerships and relationships, then we add the symbol of the South Node: karma; with your already hard-learned lessons.
This way, during this 18 month transit, you’ll have experiences that bring no surprise to you (S Node), regarding the family/home/house matters and the involvement of a family member, a parent (not a sibling, 3rd house or your offspring: 5th house).
All these mixed to me feel like the discussions which appear when you leave the nest and somehow your parents expect you to consider them as part decision-makers in your life, for the rest of your lifetime, even if you’re already 40 and not just left for college. There are implications for the home estate, as well.
The good news: here is your South Node, so you have an intuitive knowing on how to deal with this. And you know the answer: assertiveness, kindness and remember that the attitudes you’re planting now, you’re going to reap in the next nodal cycle, 18 to 19 years from now. I know you’ll be mindful, dear Cancer, because the 4th house is where your essence is, in astrology: the family life.
The North Node
Karma balanced from 18 to 19 years ago, on areas where you need to learn a lesson in this lifetime, so it will probably feel challenging (because no, we learn little when life is all comfy and cozy). Aries is the fiery sign of the self, self-image, self identity, new beginnings, fresh initiatives. The 10th house is the career sector of your life; the titles, honors, your reputation as a professional.
When we mix all these patterns together, I sense that this coming cycle of the Nodes in Aries-Libra will make you feel an inner longing to start something new (Aries) in your career or profession (10th house) and it will feel like uncharted territory (North Node), and its calling will be irresistible, because that’s what the North Node brings: the inner yearning of the soul for learning what it has come in this lifetime to learn.
There’s a natural opposition between the North Node and the South Node, as they are always in opposite signs, 180 degrees apart. And that explains in part why all the time there’s something in our lives that feels like an opposition: specifically here: family vs. career; ‘me’ vs. ‘we’. Look at your Sagittarius factors (especially Millennials born 1982–1987 have their Uranus in Sagittarius, possibly also Saturn and Jupiter) — these people are the globalists, those who love to travel and I sense if you’re one of them, you might start your life as a work-from-anywhere while travelling, which will be in opposition with your family life and home/house affairs.
There isn’t a right or wrong way to approach this — just make sure you research thoroughly and make the best decision for yourself, because you won’t be paying just with money, but karma will record your intention and impact too, and serve it back to you 18 to 19 years in the future.
Interested on what the Nodes bring about other Sun Signs? Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius , Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.
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