Dear Aquarius,
How’s family life been in the past year? If nothing special happened all is good as usual, congratulations! You are a mature soul which has learned most of the hard family-related lessons you came in this lifetime to master or you are simply not in a Nodes’ cycle where you were supposed to deal with this.
The Lunar Nodes in Taurus-Scorpio January 2022 — July 16, 2023
If family life has been pushing your buttons since January 2022, you’re not crazy! The Lunar Nodes are in the Taurus — Scorpio, and they bring up karma for review from 18 to 19 years ago (and 36 to 37 years ago and so on) in two opposing life areas (two houses) on the astrological chart.
For you, in your public life, Taurus is your 4th house of family, home, your property, your land, your country. Scorpio represents your 10th house of career, fame, recognition and status within organized structures (like a company, a union or an NGO).
The Nodes are in the Taurus (North Node)-Scorpio (South Node) axis until July 16, 2023 and have been there since January 2022. I wrote in depth about what the Nodes are here.
The South Node brings situations that you have an inner knowing about, lessons already learned. This is the case in your 10th house of career. So all that office politics? You know how to navigate all that. Anything related to climbing the ladder: you know what to expect and how to deal with surprises along the way.
The North Node brings situations which feel new and thus, can bring discomfort or anxiety. The feeling that you haven’t seen this before and you don’t know how to deal with this. It’s in your 4th house of family, home & property, in Taurus. Anything that triggered you with family matters since January 2022 is brought by the Nodes. Is it your children asking for attention? Your parents pushing your buttons? Other relatives? Issues with the family home, other properties you have in the family?
You are reaping what you sowed in the past, in another North Node in the Taurus-Scorpio cycle. The whole of humanity is experiencing the 2nd/8th house dynamic — which is all about the money: earned money, value of things, what we put a value on, but also shared money like stocks and so on — are affected about this Nodes transit. So with your 4th house / family issues: what karma are you balancing? what were you doing 18 to 19 years ago or 36 to 37 years ago?
If you were being cared for (being a child), likely you’re now a caregiver for other family members and you experience the other side of the coin: being cared for/caring for others in the family. That’s what the North Node does: teaches you all the sides to a story, during each transit in the same place, every 18.6 years.
The Lunar Nodes in Aries-Libra July 17, 2023 – January 2025
The Nodes will ingress into Aries-Libra starting July 17, 2023. On a global level, it’s about the struggle with self-identity, self-affirmation and the opposition with relevant 1 on 1 relationships. I call this 18 month transit until January 2025 the ‘me’ vs. ‘we’ dynamic.
But for you, Sun Aquarius, it will be the opposition between your North Node in Aries in your 3rd house of communication, trade, short distance travel and siblings (I know, many apparently unrelated stuff in 3rd house) and your 9th house of higher learning, long distance travel and ‘seeing the bigger picture’ by learning with and from those that differ from you. Your South Node will be in Libra in your 9th house.
What will all this bring into your life?
Well, the North Node, as I mentioned, brings situations that trigger you and that feel new — and potentially, bring discomfort. Also, the North Node brings another facet of an experience that you need to understand better, not just one-sided. In our modern lives, when you are reading this online and you are clearly part of the world economy, the 3rd house meaning that applies to you has to do with online communication, social media — and how/what we communicate in here, plus how we trade — so anything related to online shopping or conducting business online.
So if you have any activity that involves money online — that you didn’t have 18 to 19 years ago — now you’ll experience the other side. In the past, you’ve been just a customer? Now you’ll experience being also a business owner/seller. Any issues you’ve experienced as a customer, you are likely to deal with as a business owner. Returns, complaints, or maybe expectations exceeded? You are reaping what you sowed.
If you’re not selling anything online, but you are active on social media, watch how you communicate about yourself and if anything that happens triggers you. Maybe in the past leads to unwanted consequences now? Or is embellish what you communicate about your life that leads to others considering you are having a breeze in your life, and not offering support or compassion that you would actually prefer? Ask yourself, what is the lesson?
In opposition to the 3rd house, is the 9th house is where your South Node is, in that area of life where you become wiser by travelling, studying and meeting foreign people that differ from you. The South Node brings situations where you have an inner knowing about, so in this area of life you might not feel very challenged, but self assured that all is manageable. However, the Nodes move together, always in opposition and whatever other factors you have in Aries-Libra will create intensity in your life. If you have anything in Aries or Libra, check the dates when the North Node is transiting +/- 2 degrees and… be patient, compassionate and watch your words! (3rd house) Your actions create karma, so now you’re planting seeds for the future. What would you like to reap, 18 to 19 years from now?
Interested on what the Nodes bring about other Sun Signs? Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius , Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.
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