As I’m writing this in early February 2023, Jupiter is in Aries, in the 1st house of image, appearance, self identity, self empowerment, pioneering pursuits and it ‘expands’ everything related. Everybody is feeling this until May 16, 2023, not just Sun Aries people, who get a double effect from this transit, as Jupiter makes its once in 12 years transit through each sign of the Zodiac.
Jupiter is sometimes seen as the giver of luck; personally, I love the quote by Roman philosopher Seneca, “Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity.” So, prepare! If you are working on anything and consider when it’s the best time to launch/ present / reveal / ask for support in 2023, the general answer is: after May 16! and as you’ll see, May 16 to 19 is a strong period for value-creation conversations.
Taurus powerhouse: May 16 to May 19 2023
On May 16 Jupiter will ingress into Taurus, and brings a ‘calming balm’ for humanity, as it brings opportunity and protection for anything related to earned money, valuables or personal values. The North Node in Taurus until July 16, 2023, bringing back karma to work with from 18 to 19 years ago — so think about what you were planting back then, because likely you’ll reap now.
Also, Taurus is heavily activated with the slow transit of Uranus, the symbol of sudden change and systemic shifts. On May 16, when Jupiter enters Taurus, Uranus will be at 19 degrees Taurus. In fact, from May 16 to May 19, Taurus will be a powerhouse, with a stellium of 7, then 8 factors:
Jupiter (0 degrees): opportunity, expansion, protection
North Node (3 degrees): karma, new lessons to be learned
Mercury (6 degrees): communication, trade, sales, marketing
Vesta (15 degrees): ‘sacred fire’, commitments to be protected
Uranus (19 degrees): revolutionary progress, sudden change
Sun (28 degrees): what is in the spotlight, life-giving energy
Moon (19 degrees): what you need, emotional charge
joined by Vulcan (in retrograde on May 19): hard work, the craft of turning raw input into valuable output.
If you are familiar with wheel charts, you can see below how it’s looking.
And the whole point is:

wow! what a hot period!
It’s highly likely that issues around Taurus matters will be in one form or another on everybody’s mind. Taurus is the sign of valuables, money and also personal values (and whatever is of value to you). With so many factors activating this area, and with Jupiter, Mercury, the North Node, Uranus, I sense we all are going to witness a significant event related to how value is created or paid for, at a global level — we’ll see!
On a personal level, discussions about money are inevitable, so have this in mind. If you’re an employer, expect people to bring up discussions about their pay increase. If you are employed or working for clients, this might be a period to consider discussing your compensation, benefits, or fees. It’s a period beneficial for all parties involved — but, depending on personal natal charts, some challenging triggers can change the entire story.
Further on, I’ll develop by each sign and update in the following days for every Sun Sign: Aries , Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.
If you want to read more about the symbolism of Jupiter in astrology, I’ve covered in depth here, from myth to influence in astrological charts.
Also, I’ve covered in depth how the Lunar Nodes, in the Taurus-Scorpio axis until July 16, 2023, are adding to the story, for each sign: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius , Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.
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